Mediterranean Capitals of Culture & Dialogue:

A yearlong celebration of Euro-Mediterranean identity and cooperation

Mediterranean Capitals of Culture & Dialogue:

A yearlong celebration of Euro-Mediterranean identity and cooperation

Mediterranean Capitals of Culture & Dialogue:

A yearlong celebration of Euro-Mediterranean identities and cooperation

The Euro-Mediterranean region boasts a rich and diverse heritage, shaped by centuries of cultural exchange. A melting pot of different languages and traditions, the region shares a heritage and a deep sense of identity and belonging. Today, this legacy continues to inspire our shared values and aspirations, reminding us of the importance of building bridges and fostering understanding between cultures.

In that spirit, the 43 Member States of the Union for the Mediterranean launched the “Mediterranean Capitals of Culture & Dialogue” during their 7th Regional Forum in November 2022.

Based on the call of Ministers of Culture of the Euro-Mediterranean region on 17 June 2022 in Naples, as well as the recommendation of more than 200 young representatives from the civil society of over 20 countries at the Forum des Mondes Méditerranéens on February 2022 in Marseille, this initiative was shaped to further promote the diversity and shared identity and contribute to a better mutual understanding of its peoples.

This initiative was developed in partnership with young civil society representatives and UfM member states.

How is the initiative shaped?

Highlighting the cities’ rich Euro-Mediterranean cultural identities

Involving their populations in all their diversity

What does it aim for?

EURO-MEDITERRANEAN IDENTITY: Combining local objectives with regional visions to promote intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding across the Euro-Mediterranean region.

TERRITORIAL COOPERATION: Promoting innovative partnerships at the local level to enhance regional integration between cities and to encourage interactions between territories with limited integration.

BOTTOM-UP APPROACH: Enhancing collaboration between local government and civil society to strengthen inclusion and participation in the creation and implementation of the programme.